1317 N Main St • Pueblo, CO 81003
Tizzle was a courageous companion who enjoyed traveling with me. When we first met, I was told Tizzle was not “good enough” to be a show dog but Tizzle and I won a competition and we could not be prouder of one another. Tizzle enjoyed all his nicknames but he will always be my Angel Child. Tizzle was the greatest little lap dog and always enjoyed snuggling in a lap – any lap and curl up for as long as he could. Tizzle was tiny in size but when his instincts kicked in, would give his most ferocious bark with a most courageous stance, chest high and show his loyalty to protecting us. Tizzle will be remembered for his walking on hind feet, from chair to chair at dinner time, performing for a taste. Tizzle, without fail, could always hear the cheese coming out of the refrigerator and knew he would get a taste. Tizzle always gave very excited greetings when I returned home, and they are very missed. I know Tizzle will greet us again someday. Goodbye my Angel Child. Know you are missed very much and loved forever. Tizzle-Tizzle!!
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